If you have purchased one of the best bikes for long distance, you are probably excited about getting out for a ride. Before you head out, however, you need to be prepared both physically and mentally. There are things you can do ahead of time that will not only make the ride easier but will also make recovery a bit easier. Once you are finished with the ride and have given yourself a pat on the back for making it through, there are some things you can do that will ease your recovery time.
Pre- Bike Ride Routine
One of the first things before even thinking about a long ride is to make sure you have the right bike. Going out for miles and miles will not be fun if you are not riding a bike that is designed for long distances and fits your size. If you are a female, check out bikes for women to ensure your find the right fit and design.
Once your bike is ready, you want to make sure you eat a nutritious and energy-filled meal that includes a lean protein and simple carbohydrates. Before heading out for the ride, it is a good idea to do some stretching and light exercises that warm up your legs.
Post Bike Ride Routine
The better your post-ride routine is, the faster you will recover so you are able to get back on the road.
1. Hydrate: After you complete a long ride, your body is probably craving something cold to drink. Although it may be tempting to reach for a cold beer, you should postpone that urge and stick with water right now. The general rule is to drink one bottle of water for each hour you biked, but if it is hot, you should take in more. You may also want to add some electrolytes, or drink coconut water, to replenish lost nutrients.
2. Stretch: Immediately after getting off of your bike, you should do some stretching to help loosen up your muscles and prevent stiffness later on. After you refuel, you may want to do some additional stretches or yoga moves.
3. Refuel: You should eat as soon as possible after your ride because your body is severely depleted in energy stores. Try to eat some sort of snack within 20 minutes of your completed ride, and then sit down to a complete meal containing healthy protein and complex carbohydrates.
4. Rest: Sleep is one of the best ways to recover. Plan to get a good night of rest, and take a nap in the afternoon if your ride was in the morning.
5. Light Activity: Even after following a recovery routine, your body will most likely be tired and sore the next day or two, so try to stick with light activity to give your muscles a rest. This may include walking, yoga, or swimming. If you feel like getting back on the bike, it is best to take it easy. Consider checking out electric bikes for sale and experience what it is like being on a bike but not having to exert too much effort.